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The Story So Far...


Run for your lives! Super Sonic has been unleashed and nowhere is safe from his rampage! Will the heroes of Mobius save the usually cool blue one from himself?

Now read on…
Super Sonic

Super Sonic

The berserker alter-ego of Sonic the hedgehog has taken over and has now absorbed the power of the grey Emerald itself - could things get any worse?


Knuckles is the last in a long line of Echidnas and is usually found defending the mighty Chaos Emeralds up on the Floating Island - right now, the current threat is angry, yellow and spikey!
Silver the Hedgehog

Silver the Hedgehog

Future Freedom Fighter Silver the Hedgehog has travelled back 70 years into his past, to defeat Super Sonic - is he too late to stop history repeating?
The CHaotix Crew

The Chaotix Crew

A team of dysfunctional superheroes from the Special Zone who used the time and space warping Omni-Viewer to join the battle with Super, only to become trapped by the evil hedgehog's trickery! Is it too late for them to save the day?
Comic Page 1

SUPER SONIC: Unleashed! Part 3
Story: Stephen 'Spydaman' Davis
Art: Jean-François 'Adamis' Thébé, James 'DarkNoise' Kennedy, Thalia Evans, Michael Corker, and India Swift
Colours: Pete Murphy
Letters: Chris G