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The Chaotix Crew

The Chaotix Crew

Techie Vector, brawler Mighty, sarky Espio, barmy Charmy, and time/space warper Omni Viewer were former guardians of the Special Zone until Shadow destroyed it. Having discovered a second Shadow in existence, the team are naturally concerned about history repeating itself on Mobius! Just where does this digital hedgehog's loyalties lie?
Shadow 2.0

Shadow 2.0

The original Shadow was a sociopath who helped Robotnik try to destroy Mobius and succeeded in obliterating the Special zone! This surly, cocky Shadow is a digital copy that Chaotix discovered protecting cyberspace - The big question is, just how did he get there in the first place?
Comic Page 1

CHAOTIX: Mouse Compatible
Story: Jamie J
Art & Letters: Michael Corker