
Welcome to Speedlines

This is the zone where you, the Boomers, get to write in with whatever you desire. With this fancy new Internet thing going, I'll be able to respond to every message we get, while sending the best ones off to the Humes for printing in each issue of Sonic the Comic – Online!

Email all messages to megadroid@stconline.co.uk


Dear Megadroid

I enjoyed reading the Blaze and Silver stories, thanks for sticking my favourite characters in. I started reading your comics around two months ago. Some sections I liked, some I didn't. So What your opinions on Silver and Blaze? Also did you play Sonic Rush on the DS? BTW Happy 20th Anniversary Sonic.

Robert Willshire A.K.A RW26 BLAZE

Blaze is a big favourite among the STC-O team, your friendly droid here included. Does that leave Silver out? Not a chance, but the poor guy has only had one game to show off to us properly, Blaze has had three. The harsh First Law of Droid Mathematics.

Right beside the Second Law. That all droids are naturally superior to Humes. That one isn't all that respected these days...


Dear Megadroid

The new stories are awesome, I love how Shadow, Blaze and the other new game character are portrayed in the comics and the stories are so interesting what with the twist and that.

The Sliver and Blaze stories were amazing, I can't wait to see what will happen next. Will we be seeing any more characters any time soon? Such as characters from the past or the newer games?

Thank you for such amazing stories.

Iain McColl

Well, I'm afraid to say you Boomers have cornered me. I just have to reveal now that we had a super secret character to return next issue. But clearly Boomers cannot wait. Thus I now announce the character to be...

Walrus #342!

You'll see him in the Tails strip, Page 2, Panel 5. Just watch out for him! Thanks for the great comments, Iain!


Dear Megadroid

First of all I know I'm about 7 years late but it's good to see Sonic The Comic up and running again. I collected Sonic The Comic from Issue 1 back on March 25th 1993, I believe when I was five years old and I collected STC from 1993 up until the year 2000. Then I discovered girls and other activities besides video gaming and comics, but I never forgot about STC and the memories its gave me for 7 years. (Notice a pattern emerging?)

My fav team pair up was the good old Nigel Kitching and Richard Elson, the amazing writer and the best British artist I have ever seen. They did some of my favourite story arcs including 'The Sonic Terminator' story arc and 'The Evil Empire' story arc which included the new Metallix Knuckles, among countless others but those are two my personal top story arc's.

So long story short, about a month or so ago I wikipedia'ed Sonic the Comic and was shocked to read how towards the end of sonic the comic they did reprinted issues. From what I read from my experience with STC, it seemed to go downhill when Deborah Tate took over from Richard Burton as editor even though I never realized it at the time. But from what I read, how she demanded drastic changes during her time as the editor to me at the least she seemed to be the start of STC's untimely downfall. Anyways, because when I was younger (about 14-15) I threw out my STC's because I was "too old for them." It was a decision I regretted until I found a neat site and spent near around £40 on the original issues including Issue No.1 and they brought back tons of memories.

From wikipedia I discovered STC Online and felt a biased "it will be a shoddy poor workmanship" compared to the original. Call it “oldfanboy-itis” However today I decided to check it out and I have read from issue 223 to the current issue, reading everything. Suffice to say I love it when I am proved wrong. I love everything about it and by god it's an amazing true to the original STC form piece of work and big thanks to the writers and artists.

Also I should point out in the original STC, I sent 10 letters to Speedlines spaced out over the years I collected it and they never got printed. How I wanted that Tomy Sonic Water Fun game or an enamel badge. So who knows, maybe this might get a mention but if not, it's okay. I just wanted to email you this letter from a 23 year old lad who has been lucky enough to read the old STC and is now a fully fledged reader of STC-O having read all the issues so far.

By the way Megadroid, how you have changed from your early appearance as yellow/gold robot with a Sega Mega Drive 1 body with legs.

Oh also before i forget, is there anyway to contact Nigel Kitching and Richard Elson so I can let them know and thank them for the memories either by email or twitter?

Yours Sincerely,
Stephen Dobson (old school STC reader from 1993-2000 and STC-O reader from 2010-forever)

Wow, Boomers! That was one heck of an email! The STCO team got a lovely warm fuzzy feeling when they read it to feel they made someone enjoy it so much. (And it wasn't just the morning tea I make.)

However I must now own up and confess to an almighty mistake of my own. Pay close attention, Boomers, this doesn't happen very often.

And if any of you tell the Humes then I'll cancel Christmas.

I received the email above a long time ago and promised the sender that it would finally realise what he wanted and get into an issue of STC. However, I then forgot to add it to the Speedlines for last issue entirely. As such...I made a Boomer wait even longer. Now as a droid, I don't like admitting I goof up sometimes. I even had a great excuse planned involving a rogue badnik, Sonic's sneakers and the Editor Hume's goldfish.

But while the Humes may earn my sarcasm and boundless wit...you Boomers are the people I've always tried to be good to because (with the exception of Norris Wimple from last issue) you've always been an incredible group of folks. So please accept my apology, Stephen Dobson. Your mighty email has finally made it to the destination!

As to my droid body, you ask? Well, droid fashion is a very fast moving market, you see. And as the single most popular droid working in comics...I need to look my best for the times! Finally, if you wish to meet some of the original makers of the comics, perhaps try visiting Summer of Sonic, you get to meet them in person there. They don't bite. Well, not unless you ask them to draw Fabian Vane.


Dear Megadroid

I'm impressed by the fact that your comic has lasted so long since May 2003. My favourite story arc was probably The Syndicate. Thalia Evans and Adamis are my favourite artists. Anyway, I was wondering if there will be a Sonic Chronicles adaptation? It could tie-in with Dr. Zachary's character development.


I assure you, David, it wouldn't have lasted more than a few hours of planning without me there to crack the whip now and again. Little known fact, the original creators of the online version spent more time chattering about the weather and drinking tea than actually working on the comic. What solved it all? I hid the kettle. That got their attention.

Whenever we do an adaptation of a game, it is usually to look at elements of the game, rather than a direct story use. So it often comes out of no-where in planning. As such...watch this space. Who knows what Dr. Zachary is up to?

No, seriously. Who does? I certainly don't.


Dear Megadroid

This is a down to earth yet insightful seminar that gives you the skills and techniques you need to deal with difficult behaviour. Spare just half a day to be able to learn to deal with difficult behaviour and personalities quickly and easily

"The best (of many) that I have ever attended" Philip Meaden - Morley College

Join the many that have benefited from this training. Training of this quality can cost hundreds of pounds, even thousands for in-house training

Today we are offering you this for only £ 139 (plus vat)

I could have used this over a decade ago in the old Office sometimes...


Dear Megadroid

I hope that they have a good supply of oil, new cogs, wheels, shades and whatever else they put in a Megadroid! I was an avid STC fan back when I was a young-one (I did not miss an issue!) and needless to say I had nothing but goosebumps upon discovering STC has lived on for all these years.

I bought the comic until the very end - even when they started repeating past-issues’ stories in hope we would see some new material on paper, but never did.

Obviously there is plenty of new stuff here and I am now off to prepare a whisky & catch up on my favourite blue hedgehogs’ adventures that I’ve missed out on for all these years!

Just a quick question – is it still possible to buy the comics online? It would be great if somewhere those little gems were still being printed!

Stay cool Megadroid.

A whiskey? Best keep quiet, Pete. We don't want Mr Oldfash from Basingstoke kicking up a fuss again...

The comics being available online are scattered around. Try our Message Zone, the folks there can point you in the right direction!


Dear Megadroid

Just like to ask a question. I have been looking at the Silver and Blaze comics carefully and it seems that there is a similarity of the two comics. There's a thing to do with the flames and time travel in both comics. In Blaze's the flames found here and she said something which caught my eye "I saw..... something".

Whiles in Silver's we saw that there's an evil flame Iblis of Sonic. Also it shows that Blaze may have either gone back in time or travelled to another dimension. A few comics ago we saw Blaze meeting Sonic for the first time. As for Silver, we see him going in the portal to go back in time but we don't know where he came out?

So what I'm asking is are they maybe later on in the comic Silver and Blaze going to linking up and defeat their target?

Cheers for your time!

Two emails in the same Speedlines? You are a busy Boomer, aren't you?

Unfortunately I cannot say a word. The Editor Hume is hovering around behind my chair with a sledgehammer should I say anything I'm not allowed to yet. Sorry, Boomer!


Dear Megadroid

Your comics are the absolute best! I'm always reading them and I get so excited every time I see the new comic cover! I just wanted to say to keep up the awesome job guys and good luck for the future! I'm also a huge fan of Fleetway Super Sonic! I thought that it was the BEST IDEA EVER CREATED in the Sonic series! Can you please make him have more appearances? And also, another quick question, is he going to appear in the next comic??

Keep Cool

Super Sonic is by far the most popular character around these parts, Shai-lee. We'd be insane not to use him again! Well, we do have a few screws loose at the best of times (literally, in my case) but even we know to remember the demonic hedgehog himself. However, we also understand that he needs to have impact, so rest assured though his appearances are relatively few...it's all to make each of them that much more tense.


'Hia thare' guys (specifically my main rapper M-droid):

I would like to say that you recent "Last Hero Standing" story was probably one of the best I've seen in a LONG time here at StCO. The writing and adaptation from the game was brilliant, and "Deebs" art was absolutely incredible. Silver looked amazing in StC style! I would just like to ask, will Deebs will be doing any more art for you guys soon? And does he have a Deviant Art page? I'd sure like to see some more of his art.

Keep up the good work guys!

With this sort of support for my fledging rap career, I can make the British Christmas Number 1 slot easily.

Deebs is certainly doing more work for us in the future. Maybe not near future (Currently on Issue #262 to be exact) but certainly she hasn't disappeared! If you head on over to the message board, perhaps some Boomers may be able to point to more artwork of hers!


Dear Megadroid

I was just browsing issue 255 after never reading Stc Online and already I wish to make a complaint. However the complaint is not against STC online but regular reader Norris Wimple.

First of all it doesn't matter if Sonic is cooler because you're nice to people and have time to talk to us where as Sonic was always in a rush. Also you had the job since issue 1 and I should know as I own all issues. If Sonic had your job that might imply you should have his and I'm sorry but you're no crime fighter! By the way, tell the Humes that Stc Online looks cool and when I'm done rereading my STC I'll start on STC Online

PS - I have a copy of issue 1 in good condition however someone put a sonic sticker on the cover - I may be able to remove it however and would like to donate it as a prize for a reader on your next competition (assuming STC has completions..)

Sean Rodden - Noob online reader, old time comic reader

Not a super hero? Who do you think stopped Baron Von Nasty's Blimp of Destruction coming towards Birmingham during the last Comic Convention? It certainly wasn't Sonic or the Doctor, I'll tell you that.

Your offer is incredibly kind, but honestly, it's better suited to stay with such a dedicated fan as yourself, Sean. We'll find prizes should we do another competition (and we do have ideas!) so you stay proud of that Issue 1! Thank you for the kind words, the Humes were very pleased. Some of them even did some work in celebration.