Welcome to Speedlines! As usual our e-post bags have been positively brimming with letters from fans! Unfortunately, we can't publish them all, but if yours didn't make it don't feel bad! Keep writing...
Send all your e-mail messages to:

Dear Megadroid

Wow! The Sonic strip just gets better and better looking. I love that first panel. Really inventive.
I was at the Moniaive Comics Festival near Dumfries on the 6th and 7th of September, doing a lot of sketching and workshops and I was amazed to find out just how popular these characters still are. I must have done about 30 Sonics, Tails and Knuckles all together, as well as two Dr. Zacharys, although I have to admit that I'd completely forgotten that Zachary had that great big gun thing in place of one of his arms. Someone recently asked me where the inspiration for his cyborg look came from and I remembered a half corpse/half cyborg character from Marvel in the seventies called Deathlok who I think must have had a strong influence on me when I redesigned Zachary. It's really nice to see him resurrected, although I would have liked to have seen something a bit more inventive done with him. Love seeing those robots, too - done very nicely. I remember when the first robot appeared in the strip, I was living in Croydon, so took the artwork in to the STC offices in London personally. I'd painted a few dents in the robot artwork because the robot was supposed to be very old and Deborah thought there was something stuck to the paper and tried to rub it off! Ah, how we laughed. If anyone gets the chance to see an animation called Laputa, the Flying Island by Hayao Miyazaki, you might notice some inspirations there, too!
I do miss drawing these characters sometimes, and comic strips in general. Its not confirmed yet, but I might have some news about me and another famous British comic soon. I'll let you know.
By the way, in case any of you don't know, Roberto's 'Manuwahi' strip is on the Dark Horse Strip Search web site now, with colouring by me. Everyone please vote for it when you get the chance (unless, of course, you hate it!).

Nigel Dobbyn

Voting for the excellent Manuwahi couldn’t be simpler now that it’s linked from the front page. Keep reading, Nigel!

Hey Megadroid,

I used to love STC, and collected almost all the issues (minus a few I missed so from the 223 I’m missing probably 15) and to see this brought a lump in my throat. I thought to myself how wondrous it would be to see the best
Sonic story-line there is continue, but while I was not disappointed I was not impressed. It kept to the storyline well, but the art has just let me down. I do quite like the art, but have seen that it could do with some real improvements. I found the Amy story from the first issue a nice touch to the time line, and was not at all disrupted by the fact it was pencil-coloured.
I was let down I guess by the more recent issue where Johnny was brought back from the dead, as a badnik I’m guessing... But still found it, in a way, insulting to his death.
This comic has a future ahead of it, a bright one with many possibilities, but some of the bugs need to be removed to make it as good as the original comic.

Best wishes for the future,
David Lawrence

P.S. Is it true you can get the comic through the mail like with the old issues? If so where would I go to get this sorted out?

STC is now an online exclusive so you never need to risk missing an issue. As for the story… trust me, David – the best is yet to come!

Dear Megadroid,

Firstly, bringing back STC is a great idea (well, someone had to do it) but you're going to have to work really hard to live up to the amazing standards of the original comic. It'd be really easy to replace it with something whose storyline consists of little more than clichés.
Secondly, it was great to see Nack the Weasel return as he was one of my favourite characters but on the other hand, what the heck is up with that? Last time I saw him, Sonic accidentally shrunk him to nothingness. I haven't got many of the issues after STC 100 so maybe I've missed something. Please let me know what happened.

Lily Rose-Beardshaw

Nack was shrunk so much that he entered a universe smaller than an atom – he made his big return back in issue 142. With a genius mind like Nack’s, you can bet that he’ll turn any situation to his advantage!



Hi Megadroid,

When does the next episode come out?
I know its once a month (couldn’t it be once a week? Please!)
What date is it released each month?

David Ellis

STC is released eight times a year, which works out every six or seven weeks. The next issue will hit the web in December.



Dear Megadroid,

I've just tidied my room, and found my old collection of STCs in magazine boxes in a corner. Over the past day, I've been dragging them out one by one and reading them from cover to cover! Once I'd finished, I wondered if STC was still being made. So, today, I looked online, and found you! It's great to be back, and hopefully I will stay with you till the end (mine or yours)!


It’s great to have you back, Dom!



Hey Megadroid,

Wow, how unbelievable... recently I've gotten to thinking about the large collection of STCs I used to have piled up in my bedroom and how I never really got to the end, and then I found a link to this! I had every issue from #5 until about #120, which equals a lot of money spent, but definitely all worth it. It's just a shame I never got to finish the old issues up to the end of the Chaos story arc (although I did find an issue guide, so at least I know roughly what's going on). I would be interested to see what the writers and artists make of Sonic Adventure 2 (if indeed you were planning to do stories based on it), because even though the game lacked the quality of the original, there are probably some ideas there that'd be quite cool in comic form. Eh, just wondering.
On the subject of returning characters, I was always wanted to see a return of Mutant League Football in some form or another.

Keep up the cool work
Gary Barrat

Unfortunately Gary, the Mutant Leaguers had one exploding head too many and have retired.

Hey Megadroid,

Wow! I'm impressed! I’ve been reading STC since issue 23 and i enjoyed every minute of it! Unfortunately I stopped collecting around 1997 (because my parents thought it was 'too babyish') so I missed the whole Super Sonic/Chaos Saga strips and they even threw out all my old issues! Fair to say I was not impressed. It was only by pure fluke that I found STC Online and the memories came poring back in, I think you've done a fantastic job of continuing STC and I hope it carries on as long as the original!

An avid Sonic fan

Ben Mallinson

P.S. Will Metallix make a return? he was always my favourite bad guy.

I hope you enjoyed Metallix’s guest appearance this issue, Ben!

Dear Megadroid,

I would just like to say that I always read STC until the later issues and as far as I am concerned you have taken the first step in returning STC to its former glory.
Please keep up this excellent work - and can we have some Knuckles stories?

Also the brotherhood of metallix story was never completed as the evil Omni-Viewer still remains, could you create a story based on that idea, as I really enjoyed the original stories?

Thanks once again
Richard Towers
I would love to see a forum set up as would several of my friends

If enough Boomers ask for a forum, it will happen. What does everyone else think?



Hey, Megadroid

I know this is how most of your letters start but it can't be said enough. It is amazing you're back! My friend got me interested in STC years ago and I've still got all my old issues. But after about issue 120 peer pressure set in, Reading any comic wasn't cool. So everything after that is a blank.
I was just wondering if the June 2003 issue was your first as I'd hate to think that I'd missed more STC greatness. Can't wait to see every one's favourite Echidna Knuckles soon!

Thanks and keep up the great work
Xander Phoenix

Issue 224 was indeed the comic’s first online issue.



Dear Megadroid,

Ahh....I remember the good old days. Sitting at home, reading the Death Egg story arc in STC whilst playing Sonic and Knuckles on my Mega Drive...pure bliss that could not be bettered. Life would have been perfect....if only the newsagents hadn't have stopped supplying such a brilliant comic for some insane reason.

And now, as an aging Sonic fan, I finally find STC! At first I couldn't believe it, and after rubbing my eyes in disbelief for well over a thousand times, I STILL couldn't believe it. Honestly, it is such a great surprise to see STC up and running once more, even if it isn't on paper. I'm not familiar with what has been going on, as the last STC I purchased is still quite a blur to me...but, from what I've heard, I've missed a lot.
Anyway, I look forward to seeing Sonic and pals back in action once again.
Keep up the good work

Steven Coffils

It does my circuits good to recieve letters like yours, Steven!


Continuing from the Egmont Fleetway Editions Ltd magazine of the same name.
Sonic the Hedgehog and all related characters © SEGA. Used without permission. No copyright infringement intended.